MedicalImaging Module - Medical Imaging
The MedicalImaging module manages the import of exams in DICOM format (MRI, CT scan, ECG,...) which are archived in Orthanc, a free and Open Source DICOM server.
The insertion of an ECG and an MRI corresponds to events on the timeline from which it is possible to view the exam in DICOM format

The DICOM Viewer integrated in H360 allows you to rotate the volume, change the zoom level and position, adjust the color and opacity, measure the length.

The DICOM Viewer for ECG made in H360 allows you to view and analyze electrocardiogram (ECG) data in DICOM format obtained from different modalities, such as resting ECG and ambulatory ECG.

If enabled, the Machine Learning module for heartbeat analysis is possible select an interval on an ECG lead and send it to the algorithm which returns a risk index (in this case relating to Brugada syndrome)

If the Machine Learning module is enabled and the heartbeat analysis is performed, an event with the outcome of the analysis is reported in the timeline.